Brand Spotlight Series: PAUME Skincare

At Haskill Creek...

We love a good niche company. The way we see it, if you're going to do something- do it exceptionally well. That's where PAUME comes into alignment! Amongst many other outstanding ways, that is. We're excited to feature our partnership with this company that specializes in treating the oft-neglected and hardworking skin of our hands.

We were able to interview Amy Welsman- founder of Paume! We wanted to know more about what makes this unique and elegant brand tick.

Here is the interview!

Q: It looks like the company started back in 2019 with the hand sanitizer product. How much did the pandemic have an effect on this product development and roll out?

A: The idea for PAUME came to me before the pandemic, and we remained very true to our initial idea despite the global changes that were happening when COVID hit. The pandemic certainly put added pressure to launch our sanitizer product as quickly as possible, because we wanted to meet the global demand, that said, I didn't want to rush or cut any corners, as I know we had to stand out in a more crowded category. We were developing custom dispensers and a totally unique formula, so it required time to get it right.

Q: Where in Canada is the company located?

A: We’re located in Toronto, ON.

Q: What are some core values at the heart of the brand?

A: At PAUME, we value ingredient efficacy, design, aesthetics, sustainability, and the benefits of human touch and connection. I loved the idea of taking something utilitarian and purely functional, and turning it into a sensorial, nourishing, and even luxurious product. Rather than think purely about germ killing, for example, we always try to think about the benefits of clean hands and how clean hands allow us to connect with people and the world around us. Lastly, when designing our packaging, we always keep design, function, and sustainability in mind - using materials that have a minimized impact, and using designs and colours that suit our unique aesthetic.

Q: The line has expanded quite a bit- what would you say is consistent throughout as you develop more products?

A: Whenever we embark on a new product, we always ask ourselves "What are we trying to solve with this?". Often products are inspired by our customers. We talk to so many people who complain about their hands - chronic dryness, cracked skin, peeling cuticles, eczema, brittle nails - the list goes on. We understand that there is a limit to the number of hand care products that are necessary, so we try to be really thoughtful about what we can do next, and what multi-benefits we can offer. For example our All in One Cuticle Cream does it all - it hydrates your cuticles, it's antibacterial, and it has ingredients that strengthen and repair your nails. Rather than make three different products to serve those benefits, we combined them into one product.

Q: Do you have a personal favorite product?

A: Ah it's so hard to pick! I love our sanitizer because it was my first I'll always have a special connection to that product.

Q: How would you describe your signature scent?

A: Our signature scent is a delicate balance of 5 essential oils - with undertones of citrus to even out the lavender and a touch of cedar it is a soothing and subtle combination!

Q: Are there any new product launches upcoming that you’re able to share about?

A: I'm always thinking about what we can make next, and currently we have two products in development. Since I launched our sanitizer, I have always wanted to make aesthetically pleasing, skin-nourishing hand wipes - with an elegant and aesthetic twist. Those will come out this year. We are also exploring some new products that serve both hand and body, which is exciting!

Q: Since we are heading into Spring now, are there any tips for coming out of Wintertime for hand-care?

A: Our overnight Hand Mask is the ultimate rich repair cream for winter hands, followed up with the daily probiotic balm, your hands will thank you!

[A pro tip is that you can actually use it as a spot treatment all over for any super dry spots like your elbows and heels! ]

Visit for more information!

Come try PAUME products out at our new downtown location at 33 Baker Ave next to Markus!

 ●  0 min  ● Written by
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration; and, the products mentioned on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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